Monday, May 9, 2016

Everyday should be Mother's day...

With the men in my life....

What's all the excitement with Mother's Day anyway?  Growing up, it was always mother's day at our house... (Meaning mother's word was final.  End of story....)

Mom and I enroute to our favorite Aristocrat restaurant

Swimming with mom in the Cagayan Valley River

When I woke up this morning I had this aching desire to see my mom and hug her just one more time.  It's been 25 long years since she left to tend her garden in heaven.... Then i thought of my two boys - Gabriel and Christian.  Those adorable dimples they both had, heart breakers for sure.  I realized that without them, I wouldnt even be celebrating Mother's day today....


 Happy Mother's Day to all you awesome mothers out there.  How blessed we are to be able to create so many beautiful memories with our children each day.  And to my amazing mom Mary - there is not one day, not one day that I do not miss you...
Mary Adviento Agatep

Thursday, May 5, 2016

And just like that it's May....
Bay Bridge San Francisco, California

They say that the best endings are the ones that lead to new beginnings and today I start a new one…  Thank for all the love you sent my way.  I am very grateful to celebrate another year of my life, knowing that it is a privilege denied to so many…   Someone very special sent me this prayer from Antoine St. Exupery which I would like to also share with all of you…

’Lord, I’m not praying for miracles and visions, I’m only asking for strength for my days. Teach me the art of small steps.
Make me clever and resourceful, so that I can find important discoveries and experiences among the diversity of days.
Help me use my time better. Present me with the sense to be able to judge whether something is important or not.
I pray for the power of discipline and moderation, not only to run throughout my life, but also to live my days reasonably, and observe unexpected pleasures and heights.
Save me from the naive belief that everything in life has to go smoothly. Give me the sober recognition that difficulties, failures, fiascos, and setbacks are given to us by life itself to make us grow and mature.
Send me the right person at the right moment, who will have enough courage and love to utter the truth!
I know that many problems solve themselves, so please teach me patience.
You know how much we need friendship. Make me worthy of this nicest, hardest, riskiest and most fragile gift of life.
Give me enough imagination to be able to share with someone a little bit of warmth, in the right place, at the right time, with words or with silence.
Spare me the fear of missing out on life.
Do not give me the things I desire, but the things I need.

Teach me the art of small steps!’