Saturday, April 5, 2014

Foolish Tour

1st Quarter Forest Hills Ladies tour 2014
It was the Blue versus the Green team for the 1st Forest Hills Quarterly tournament which fell on April 1, April fools day.

Hole 1 had us teeing off from a meter high tee.

For some it made no difference.  They hit it as far as they would with a normal tee.  Amazing.

But most would hit the tee and not the ball.

Our foolish holes:

Hole 4 - One golf club until holing out
Hole 8 - Use two clubs the entire hole
Hole 10 - Use your driver instead of a putter to hole out
Hole 14 - Everyone gets a mulligan
Hole 18 - The sand trap on the green is the hole

Of course the blue team wins....


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